Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Time flies

I haven't been writing in a long while and it didn't strike me just how long until I logged into my webpage and saw the date! Time has really flown by! Much has happened in the short 4 months that has passed. I received my exam results (another marginal fail! wonder how many more of those I'll see before I clear this difficult hurdle but that's another story for another day), attended two concerts as a proud parent and last but not least, paid a doctor visit 2 times in 2 weeks and seeing him again this Saturday to make it 3 for 3...

It's been a difficult 2 1/2 weeks (started 2 months ago but the difficulties only accelerated in the last 2 weeks or so), emotionally, mentally and physically. Not so much the last actually but doctor says I need the rest to recuperate. I had a minor surgery - minor because it's done in a day and treated as outpatient - but in terms of the recuperating period, not so minor.

2 months ago, the ladies group in my church invited a radiologist to give a presentation of breast health/care. Dr Evelyn Ho, a radiologist with extensive experience in the field, thought us how to carry out self breast examinations ("SBE"). The SBE ought to be conducted on a regular cycle, preferably once a month after the menstruation has ended.

I've done SBEs before but wasn't really doing it the right way until Dr Evelyn came. So, that very same evening I decided to give it a go. And lo and behold, I discovered something that every woman dreads, a lump! To console myself, I said, it must be a bone. But the thought that it may not be disturbed me and after another couple of times, I decided to seek medical help. Was wondering which doctor to see, no one else seems to know, and some friends told me to see the OBGYN. After a week of unsuccessful calls to the clinic, I decided to look up Dr Evelyn Ho at her clinic.

She confirmed my worst fears and in fact, told me that there were lumps in the other breast as well. However, those lumps were confirmed to be benign but the one that bothered me bothered her to. Apparently, the ultrasound worried her as the 'lump' was really more of a mass that was complex. She suggested that it be removed.

Many people told me to seek a second opinion but after much prayer, I have decided not to. A lump is a lump and it won't go away. And if a doctor with YEARS of experience tells you to remove it, then what are the odds of another saying the same? Besides, if the other doctor says differently, it would make it worse because then I'd probably want to seek a third opinion and waste time and money in the process. The stress would triple and I didn't want that.

So, long story short, I had the operation last Saturday and will see the doctor this Saturday for the biopsy results. That's really the part that is giving me more sleepless nights. I do trust the Lord and whatever His will for me, I pray He will give me the strength to overcome. Why I'm writing today is actually because I want to give thanks. Many would ask how I can give thanks for stress like this... but the Lord says to give thanks IN all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18), He didn't say to give thanks FOR all circumstances.

I want to thank God for how he 'spoke' to the ladies in our church to include the breast health talk in the activities for the year, and how the doctor could make the time to give the talk, how He has been with me and kept me sane and given me peace. I want to thank Him for giving me such a wonderful hubby, a lovely daughter, supportive parents and dear sisters and brothers (from my earthly family and God's family) who have been praying and caring for me. I am thankful that the surgery was successfully carried out and that there has been minimal effects from it. Thank you God for everything!